Why the Gospel Is Essential for Gen Z

To talk about the gospel is to talk about Jesus, his death and resurrection, and why it was the plan. God created a perfect world and because of human disobedience or sin, there was a separation between God and humanity. Sin not only separates us from God, but it requires sacrifice. In the Old Testament sacrifice was necessary to atone for sin, and we see that in Genesis 3:21 where God makes Adam and Eve garments of skins to clothe them. And thankfully God had a plan that did not require millions of lambs to be slaughtered every year, but instead one for the rest of time. The plan was to restore the separation caused by sin and to bring us back into relationship with God. In Genesis 3:15 God reveals his plan to the serpent saying, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel”.

So, God in his love sent his Son Jesus to live a life that we could never live, one without sin. He humbled himself and left his throne and security in heaven to be a perfect sacrifice for sin. Although Jesus was crucified, the hope comes in his resurrection. Jesus defeats death, conquers the grave, and is victorious over Satan. Now because of his death and resurrection, he offers forgiveness of sins, adoption into the family of God, and eternal life to all who believe in him. But in simple terms the gospel is “Jesus in my place”, and Gen Z desperately needs this good news since now we are living in a post Christian world.

Don’t get me wrong, the gospel is essential for all people. Every generation before Gen Z has needed the good news of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection for sinners and every generation that comes next will need it as well. However, unlike the generations before, Gen Z is notorious for not allowing their parents, the government, or even their friends to change what they believe in. This generation is firm in their beliefs of right and wrong or what they think is the correct way of living. This is a direct effect from the media they consume whether it be social media, the news, music, movies, or books. This generation has been taught time and time again to stand up for what they believe in and to not let anyone stick them in a box. Yet, this is the precise reason why Gen Z needs the gospel because they believe that they don’t. Gen Z struggles to find an identity, the purpose of life, or something to place their hope in, but the gospel offers all of these and more. 

Gen Z finds their identity in anything you could think of like their gender, sexual orientation, social media, political ideology, or even in their relationships. I have seen time and time again how identity has become a vital part of our societies because it gives us a sense of belonging or purpose. Yet, the identities we apply to ourselves are rooted in things that are always changing. However, the gospel offers an identity that is firm and unchangeable. 1 Peter 2:9 reads, “you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called out of darkness into his marvelous light”. The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone and gives purpose and belonging to all who believe. The identity that is given to you as an adopted son or daughter makes you a co-heir with Christ and it cannot be taken away from you (John 1:12, Romans 8:17, 38-39). 

Since we are constantly seeking authenticity and a way to live a fulfilling life, there is no true satisfaction. This yearning for something more has been put in us since the beginning of time. The Bible says that “he has put eternity into man’s heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) so the desire for something more is only something that God can satisfy. I recently read a poem by Autumn Leigh Waite that says “the one who chases after the things of this world is like a dog whose every desire is fulfilled in chasing the rabbit. But once he catches the rabbit, he is empties of all the joy of the chase.” It showed me how easily we can become empty when the things that fulfill us become boring or don’t make us feel good anymore. But Jesus says in John 10 that “[he] came that they may have life and have it abundantly” and in John 4 he says to the woman at the well that “everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life”. Jesus is the fulfillment of all scripture and the hope for mankind, and he is the only one who can fully satisfy us. 

The hope of the gospel gives new life and radically affects our lives, relationships, service, and how we worship. Personally, I have seen my life change, my brother’s life, and my friend’s lives because of the gospel. It has changed the way I act, respond, and interact with people. Whether it be by letting go of the control I have on my life or treating someone who is different than me, the same. Even within the church, the gospel has healed my legalism and religious identity and given me a right understanding of who God is and who I am in him. It has restored my relationships with my family, it has shown me how desperately I need a savior, and what it means to love sacrificially. The gospel has the power to transform lives and Gen Z is needing something like this so they can stop searching for it in every corner of the earth.

As a Gen Z Christian, it has been incredible to see how the Lord has been and will be using this generation to make his name known. There is a revival happening here in the United States and although we don’t always see it, it is there, and it is happening. In the past few years there have been thousands of Gen Z believers who attended The Send conference, the Passion conference, and there are young believers who have used their platforms like Instagram or TikTok to reach people. He is still working on this generation that older generations have written off; he will be glorified no matter what in this post Christian generation. The Christians within this generation are getting louder and they will reach their friends with the gospel because Gen Z is influencing today’s culture and soon, they will be the culture.