Sojourn Family & Friends,

I believe that community gatherings for worship are essential to our flourishing as humans and followers of Jesus. Yet, in the face of challenging and changing circumstances, living in love ask us to be open to modifications. 

While we will continue to have our public, gatherings, there will be some modifications. For at least the next 30 days, we will refrain from having any type of shared meal during our public gathering, which unfortunately includes communion. So, until the risk of spreading SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) and COVID-19 (the disease) has reduced, we will be gathering but will avoid any type of shared food. 

Our Gospel Community gathering will continue as planned but without a meal. While "breaking bread" has been a hallmark of our gatherings, love compels us to avoid putting anyone, particularly our most vulnerable friends and neighbors, at risk. We will be making some extra efforts to keep the home environments as protected as possible. 

If you are feeling sick or experiencing symptoms of the flu, it would be wise to skip gathering in person, but let us know so we can find ways to accommodate you so you're still connected.

Also, while some of us are very affectionate, it's alright if you choose to refrain from hugs and handshakes if you desire extra caution. 

Because of our intentional focus on smaller community gatherings, the modifications Sojourn needs to make are minor at this time. I hope that we would see these changes less as inconveniences to endure and more as opportunities to tend to God's presence in our current reality. May we continue to be the loving presence of Christ in our homes, on our blocks, and in our city. 

Matt Boyd, Pastor