Why Give to the Christmas Missions Offering?

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commanded His followers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them to obey His Word. This is Christ’s call to every Christian. Don’t we already have Christians in virtually every nation, you may ask? Actually, this passage is talking about ethnic people groups. 

Take India, for example, with its 1.38 billion population. Within the singular nation of India are 2,376 distinct ethnic people groups. Each people group needs the gospel and the Bible in their own language or dialect. Of those people groups, 2,139 (90.0%) are unreached! If no one goes to them with the gospel, generations will live and die without hearing the name of Jesus.

How do we accomplish such a large task? Well, thankfully, God is already at work! He has raised local leaders in India who are building Disciple-Making Movements, where disciples of Jesus make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples. Disciple-makers bring God’s Word to every village, tribe, and tongue and show them how to discover, obey, and share Scripture and become simple house churches. And these disciples of Jesus are multiplying in 100s, 1000s, and 100,000s!

How can we be a part of what God is doing? First, you can join in God’s mission in India by prayer. No move of God has grown without the faithful prayers of His people. 

Second, you can join in by financial partnership. Most of the pastors and leaders in India are too poor to even pay for the food and travel necessary to attend training in how to make disciples. 

Your contribution to Sojourn’s Christmas missions offering with the Foreign Mission Foundation will empower Indian leaders to take the gospel to the most unreached parts of India. Show your generosity this Christmas season!

Click here to give today!

This posts was written by our worship leader, Ben Hunnicutt. Ben oversees the worship component of our weekend gatherings and primarily leads us through music. He is passionate about disciples making disciples and pointing all people to Jesus.