Gospel Communities that sustain and thrive are ones that make Tables a priority. Tables are a place to deepen our understanding of Jesus, remind each other of our identity, connect as friends, and pray together.

Tables are groups of 2-4 people of the same gender meeting regularly throughout the city. Their purpose is to grow deeper in relationship with God and one another. They gather at pubs, coffee shops, homes, parks or restaurants.

What exactly do Tables do?

Read the Bible together // By committing to read the same scriptures throughout the week and share their thoughts and questions with each other during their meeting time, Table members learn to connect with God through his Word (and teach someone else todo the same). Tables may decide to go through a book on a relevant topic for a season, but the Bible itself is always home base.

Pray Together // Since God is a loving Father who is eager to hear from his kids, Tables pray together in a variety of ways:

  • They pray for one another’s needs (spiritual, medical, financial, etc.)

  • They pray for one another’s circles (friends, family, coworkers, etc.)

  • They pray for our church, our city and our world.

Grow Closer Together // Relationships tend to go deep fairly quick in Tables. As people share their struggles and encourage one another, trust is built and true friendships are grown.

How often should Tables meet?

At least every other week. Make Tables a priority and the benefits will be obvious.

What does a typical Table time look like?

Tables typically plan to spend between 60-90 minutes together, and have freedom to use that time in a way that works best for the needs of the Group. New Tables thrive when they use 3 questions to guide them:

  • What has God been saying? What scriptures have made an impression on you from your reading?

  • How are we responding? What do we need to believe or do this week to respond to God?

  • Who are we praying for? Who has God placed on our hearts? What are their needs?

How do I start or join a Table?

It's as easy as getting 2-4 people together and picking a time, place, and passage to start studying together. The leadership of Sojourn will help you get paired up with a group that is conducive for you. All extra biblical books and/or studies should approved by the leadership team and coaching is available for groups as needed.